TCOLE Test provides a selection of practice tests covering a variety of subjects to assist with your studies for one of the several certification exams required by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. Certifications covered within include Basic Corrections Officer, Basic Peace Officer, Law Enforcement Promotional Exam, and the newly added Court Security Specialist.
Study. Practice. Review. Practice Again.
Work at your own pace with with our online resources. Study what you want, when you want, and
practice with tests created dynamically from a bank of thousands of questions to minimize the chance you see the same test twice.
- Arrest Search and Seizure
- Basic Corrections Officer Exam
- Basic Peace Officer Exam
- Civil Process
- Code of Criminal Procedure
- Firearms
- Health & Safety Code
- Penal Code
- Bill of Rights
- Traffic
- Use of Force
- and More
A proven tool for your success.
Our members tell us that TCOLEtest.com better prepares them and in some cases improved their scores significantly.
- A. Ferrell
- J. Kavanaugh
- M. Lumpkin